If you use Good Hustle Beverage Distribution Co., check out these helpful steps to send orders their way!
Sending an order to Good Hustle's Warehouse is simple! Once you have placed an order, Good Hustle will manage updating the order status so you'll know once the order has been successfully delivered and you will also be able to use the inventory feature in Ollie Order to track inventory depletion based on order fulfillment.
Be sure to check out the FAQ section below for additional tips and links to articles to help you get all set-up to start with!
Placing An Order Through to Good Hustle Beverage Distribution Co.
1) On the blue left hand column, select Orders and then click on the +New Order button on the top right hand corner of the screen.

2) Under the Customer drop-down, search for your customer by name or licence number.

3) When the order screen opens up, select your designated Good Hustle Warehouse from under the Warehouse drop-down, this will enable your products and inventory to be visible below, in the order screen

4) Ensure your order settings are correct, including:
Fulfilment Type: note, no fulfillment method options are available
Price List selected: the price list with default depending on the type of customer the order is for, but you can change the price list to another one, if more applicable under the Price List drop-down
Sales Rep: this will auto-populate based on the sales rep within the customer details default settings, but you can change if needed by selecting the pencil and selecting another reps name.
PO Number: You can add a PO number if required. No PO number will auto generate. Once an order has been Posted, you are no longer able to edit the PO Number.
Reference Number: This will automatically be in the next number in queue but you are able to change this by selecting the pencil icon. You can only change the reference number in draft status.
Date: The date with automatically default to the day the order is created in Ollie but once the order has been Accepted you can change the date by selecting the pencil icon. You can edit to a previous or future date as needed. Once an order has been Posted, you are no longer able to edit the invoice date.
5) Scroll down and select your products and the quantity you would like to order of each - ensure you are only selecting products with available inventory!*

6) Once you are happy with your order, press ACCEPT and then DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING ELSE.
The order will be sent to Fremont Distributions account and as they process and deliver your order, you will be notified by the changing status updates on the order's status bar which is also visible from the main order screen.
Good Hustle X Ollie Order FAQ
Where can I view my inventory in the Good Hustle Warehouse?
When adding products to an order.
Products > Edit Product > Warehouses & Inventory
Inventory > Warehouses > [Good Hustle Warehouse]
What if I want to cancel or revise an order?
So long as the order is still in Accepted Status, you can update or cancel the order. To revise the order, you can adjust the products and quantity. To cancel an order select the three dots in the top right hand corner of the order screen, and select cancel.
Note: if your order is no longer in Accepted Status (ie. it appears as shipped or delivered) you will want to contact Fremont directly to coordinate special arrangements. Any changes made in these status's may not be noticed by Fremont unless you contact them directly first.

How do I add my products to Ollie Order?
Click here for instructions on adding products to Ollie Order.
How do I transfer inventory to the Good Hustle Warehouse and make adjustments?
Click here for instructions on actioning transfers and adjustments in Ollie Order. You will want to follow the same steps and select your specific Good Hustle Warehouse when making the transfer or adjustments.
Note: when sending a transfer to Good Hustle, you will want to only SHIP the transfer. Good Hustle will mark the transfer as received when they physically have the inventory available for orders to be placed against it.
How do I add additional users so they can place orders too?
Click here for instructions on adding users in a few clicks!
Who do I contact for support?
For any questions about specific your delivery, please contact Good Hustle Distribution Co..
If you have any questions or need support using Ollie Order, please contact support@ollieorder.com or visit our Knowledge Centre on the left hand bar for more helpful how-to articles.