There are 3 separate packaging reports that can be run in Ollie.
The Packaging Report will show product that has packaged for a certain date range and will show Product, Lot Code, Packaging Date, ABV, Variant (Container Type), Packaged Amount in Units, Packaged Amount in Volume, Loss, Unit Cost, & Total Cost
The Scheduled Packaging Report will show product scheduled to package between a certain date range and will show Packaging Date, Product, Batch Name, Tank, ABV, Variant, Scheduled Amount in Units, & Scheduled Amount in Volume
The Repackaging Report will show product that has been repackaged for a certain date range and will show the Date It Was Repackaged, New Product, New Lot Code, New Product ABV, New Variant, New Packaged Amount in Units, New Packaged Amount in Volume, Old Product, Old Lot Code, Old Variant, Old Amount in Units, & Old Amount in Volume