Ollie Ops allows you to create multiple brewhouses within your brewery (i.e. Pilot or Main). This can also be used to create different efficiencies for a single brewhouse that can be tied to recipes. You can then apply those brewhouses to your recipes for better recipe management and visibility for your team.
You will also have the ability to see what brewhouse is tied to what recipe on the dashboard calendar.
Creating a Brewhouse:
1. Click your icon on the top right and select to “Brewery Settings”
4. Click on the Equipment tab, then click the “New” button
6. Enter the following information about your brewhouse:
- Name - The name of your Brewhouse
- Capacity - Capacity of your Brewhouse in BBLs or your set measurement
- Efficiency - Brewhouse Efficiency (in %)
*Note: your efficiency will affect the starting gravity on a recipe when your brewhouse is set.
9. Click on “Create brewhouse”
Applying your Brewhouse to a Recipe:
Click on the Recipes tab on the left hand side of the screen.
- Select the 3 dots to the right of the recipe you want to apply your new brewhouse to.
- On the bottom right-hand corner, click the drop-down arrow to select your brewhouse.