Do want to know what's new in Ollie ....introducing Ollie Product Updates! By heading to the links below you can find any and all updates on Ollie Ops
This is where you can go to:
be informed of new feature releases and their intended purpose
find updates on bug fixes
be informed of new improvements to existing features
You can also view the most recent updates from within your Ollie Ops account in the What's New sections.
Customer Feedback
Customer feedback and feature requests are the guiding light for our team at Ollie. We value your input highly. Although we may not be able to accommodate all requests, we strive to do our best and we aim to be transparent in our development process.
In Ollie Ops, head to the Support section to file a ticket for any Feature Request you think would benefit not only facility, but potentially others who are utilizing Ollie!
You may also reach out directly to one of our team members, but filing a ticket will ensure your request is viewed the quickest and put on our radar