Under your Reports page, you'll see a new card titled Sales By X Report.
Here, you can utilize our new pivot table tool to customize your sales reporting and generate reports such as "Sales by Customer Group by Product", "Sales by Sales Rep by Customer Group by Month", and more... so much more!
To generate your custom sales by x reports, you can select up to 3 row dimensions and a single pivot by (or column) dimension, as well as several different filters.
What is a pivot table?
A pivot table is a reporting tool that is used to summarize, sort, reorganize, group, count, total or average data stored in a database. It enables you to transform columns into rows and rows into columns.
Ultimately, the pivot table tool organizes rows and columns of data into a table so that you can visualize your data in a meaningful (and flexible) way.
What are the different fields that I can use to customize my sales reports?
Rows: When a field is chosen for the row dimension, it populates as the first column. Subsequent chosen row dimensions will be nested under the previous row dimension (ex. if you select dimension 1 = sale rep and dimension 2 = customer group, then each will represent a unique sales rep/customer group combination).
Columns (Pivot By): When a field is chosen for the column dimension (the "pivot by" field), the values of the field are listed across the top (ex. if you select pivot by month, each month will be displayed as a column across the top of the table).
Aggregates: Each aggregate, or value, is kept in a pivot table cell and displays the summarized information. The available aggregates are Net Revenue, Units, Cases, and Litres.
Filters: Filters apply parameters, such as date range or warehouse, to the entire table.
How to Generate a Sales By X Report
How do I use the pivot table tool to generate my sales reports?
At the top of the Sales By X Report page, select 1 to 3 row dimensions to begin creating your report. If you don't want to use all 3 row dimensions, select "none" in the appropriate drop-down menus.
Next, select a dimension to pivot your table by and an aggregation to display your data in. To further customize your table, select any of the available filters (ex. date range, warehouse, sales rep) from the filter side-bar menu.
Finally, choose to view the resulting report as in (in-app) or export to either XLSX or CSV format.
What are the available row and column dimensions?
Sales rep
Order Status
Product Name
Customer Group
Note: Customer Groups only includes pricing groups (pricing groups = license type, ex. LIC) at this time.
What are the available aggregations?
Net Revenue
What are the available filters?
Order Status
Date Range
Payment Status
Sales Rep
Fulfillment Method
Customer Group
Note: the Date Range filter is set to "year to date" as a default.
Example Sales By X Reports
1. Sales by Customer Group by Product
Gain insight into how your products are sold across the various pricing groups (i.e., license types)
First Dimension: Customer Group
Second Dimension: None
Third Dimension: None
Pivot By: Product
Aggregate: Net Revenue, Units, Cases, or Litres
2. Sales by Sales Rep by Customer Group
Visualize the distribution of your reps' sales across the various customer groups.
First Dimension: Sales Rep
Second Dimension: None
Third Dimension: None
Pivot By: Customer Group
Aggregate: Net Revenue, Units, Cases, or Litres
3. Sales by Sales Rep by Customer Group by Month
Take example #2 a step further by moving Customer Group to the second dimension and instead, pivot your table by month to visualize your sales reps' performance across the various customer groups month over month.
First Dimension: Sales Rep
Second Dimension: Customer Group
Third Dimension: None
Pivot By: Month
Aggregate: Net Revenue, Units, Cases, or Litres
4. Sales by Customer Group by Customer by Month
Gain insight into how your sales across your various customer groups are doing, broken down further by the customers in each grouping, month over month.
First Dimension: Customer Group
Second Dimension: Customer
Third Dimension: None
Pivot By: Month
Aggregate: Net Revenue, Units, Cases, or Litres