To generate a report, head to the Reports tab in Ollie Order.
Next, click the Sales Detail Report option.
You can select the date range that you would like to generate a report for by clicking the first date, and then sliding your mouse across all of the dates you would like to include!
Click Export Spreadsheet and Ollie will generate a report that contains the following data:
Reference Number
Customer Type
Licensee Number
Sales Rep
Product Name
Unit Price
Grand Total
Ollie Tip!💡 You can use the Sales Detail report to generate your Sales Rep Commissions! You can filter by Sales Rep within the spreadsheet, and see their total sales for the selected time period. Take that total and calculate a percentage to see how much to compensate your awesome sales team!
Sales by SKU Report
As a seller, you have the ability to generate a sales by SKU report over a specific date range. In this report, you can view the quantity of selling units of a particular SKU sold over your chosen date range.
You also have the option to filter the report by warehouse (i.e., generate a report for the number of SKUs sold over a specific date range per warehouse) or you can select all warehouses.
On your Reports page, select a date range for your report by clicking on the Start Date box. From the resulting calendar, scroll between dates (click on ← or → to move between months) and select a range by clicking on a start date and an end date.
Once you've selected your date range, select the warehouse you'd like to filter your report by (or select All for all warehouses).
Finally, click on the Export button to generate and download your report.
🎉Congrats! You've successfully generated a sales by SKU report for a specific date range.