To see your payment history and charges to your credit card, log into your Ollie Order account. You will land on the Orders page, showing all of your most recent orders with various sellers.
From the Orders page, click on the Paid tab at the top of your screen.
From the Paid tab at the top of your screen, you can view Order Details as well as Payments by Clicking the Circle with the + in it to the left of the order you want to view details on. Then hit the Circle with the - to minimize it.
To view your order details, click on the Ref # for the order you would like to view (ex. SHWB01178).
From the Order > Details tab, you can view your COMPLETED, PAID order, as well as see seller details, including the seller's business name, address, website, email, and phone number, the sales rep associated with the sale, the date of sale, and the reference number for the order.
Scroll down to view the name, size, unit price and quantity ordered for each product, the total and payments made for your COMPLETED, PAID order.
From the Orders > Details tab, click on the Payments tab to view the date, status, source (only the last four digits of the credit card charged will appear) and the amount charged to your credit card.
To learn how to view and download PDF invoices for COMPLETED, PAID and SHIPPED, PAID orders, click here.