Once you are logged into your Ollie Order buyer account and have found the products you have been searching for under the Brands or Products tabs, you are ready to place a new order with a seller.
Head over to the Orders page on the left side of your screen. In the right top corner of the page, click on + New Order.
From here, if the dropdown menu doesn't appear automatically click Find a Brand and select the seller whose products you would like to purchase, from the drop-down menu.
Next, you will see a DRAFT, UNPAID order has been created for you.
From here, you can begin to add products to your draft order. Use the drop down Qty menu to change your order to units or by the case.
Begin adding products by clicking the + sign to add products to your order shown above. Products added to your order will be highlighted in blue.
Once you have added all of the products you would like to your order, hit the Add to order button, in the very bottom right corner of your screen, as also shown in the above image.
You can now see all products you have selected on your draft order.
Once you have reviewed your draft order, are happy with your selections, and have added any notes (ex. delivery instructions) you would like to appear for the seller, hit the Place Order button, in the top right corner of the screen,
Once your order has been placed, the order status for the order will change to PENDING, UNPAID, until the seller has had a chance to review and accept your order.
Check out How to View your Order & the Lifecycle of an Order to find out what happens next!