To view your order to see if the seller has accepted your new order, toggle over the Orders page, at the left of your screen. Once the seller has accepted your order, you will see your order status has changed to ACCEPTED in the Status column. You will also receive an email notification in your inbox letting you know your order has been accepted.
Access your order by clicking on the Ref # for the order (ex. SHBW-01197) in the Ref # column from the Orders page.
By clicking on the Ref #, you can see the order status for this order has changed to ACCEPTED, UNPAID and a PDF invoice has been created for you in the top right corner, ready for download by clicking on the PDF icon.
Once the seller ships your order, the order status for your order will change to SHIPPED, UNPAID.
The SHIPPED, PAID status reflected below, means your products are on their way and payment has been successful!
Once your product has been received on-site, your status for this order will show as COMPLETED, PAID, completing the ordering process, until next time! ;)