The Accepted status means that you have moved beyond the Draft stage and are ready to move ahead with the order. Clicking Accept on the order will allow you to charge the customer and generate a Doc60/Invoice. Note: Inventory is allocated on Accepted orders.
The Awaiting Shipment status means that the order has been generated, and items are ready for fulfillment. To move the order forward and allocate the inventory, you must press the Ship button on the order.
The Shipped status means that the order has been acknowledged and is heading to its destination. It does not necessarily mean that your order is on a truck out for delivery, but it does mean that your logistics team or your distributor has seen this order and has printed it out, queueing it for delivery.
The Delivered status means that your order has been marked as Delivered in Ollie Logistics. This is the final stage for you order! 🎉🍻
The Pending status means that this order was either placed by a Buyer from the Ollie Wholesale Marketplace or this order contains a Presale product. If it is a Buyer Placed Order, you can open the order and review it before clicking ACCEPT. If the order contains a Presale Product, you must first turn off the Presale tag on that product before you can Accept the order.
The Completed status means the order has been marked Delivered, and the order is paid. This status will automatically update when both criteria are satisfied.
The Posted status means the order is in Completed status (delivered and paid) and is technically locked from any additional changes. This is often the stage where the orders syncs in QuickBooks, if you have this integration enabled. Note: Even though the order is "locked" you can always un-post an order if changes are needed.