The four primary inventory features in Ollie are:
- Inventory
The Inventory Tab can be used to get a birds-eye view of all of your inventory across any/all warehouses. Whether you manage your own internal/private warehouse, or use Direct Tap, you can easily see your inventory numbers for each product in each warehouse from this screen.
- Don't forget to utilize the 'Filter' option to isolate your data for easier searching.
The Warehouses Tab allows you to manage existing warehouses, or add a new warehouse. You can have as many warehouses as you'd like with our Premium Subscription!
There are two options for your warehouse inventory type:
Inventory Controlled:
Most of your warehouses will be Inventory Controlled. This means that inventory is tracked by you, and you can add and remove inventory numbers to products in this warehouse. -
Non-Inventory Controlled:
This is useful for warehouses that you do not want to track inventory numbers in. Examples would be Breakage Warehouses, Out of Province Warehouses, and the Camelot or any Externally Managed Warehouses. When you transfer product into this warehouse, it essentially goes into "thin air". You can create transfers to track the movement of product into that "warehouse" but you will not create orders from this warehouse.
Under each Warehouse, you can click on the Products tab to control if the product appears for ordering in that warehouse. Utilizing this tab is a great way to keep your product list current and accurate, and to ensure correct inventory in each warehouse.
You can toggle products ON (orange) or OFF (grey) depending on what is available in each warehouse.
You can use the Transfer Tab to move product from one location to the next, whether you're physically moving inventory, or just digitally moving inventory for your records. Essentially it is removing product from one warehouse, and adding the same amount to another.
Ollie keeps a record of each transfer you enter, so that you can always reference back to see when and how much inventory was transferred.
To view the details of a transfer, go to the Transfer Tab, and click on the ID number to see more details and to access a PDF of the transfer that you can share or even print.
Adding a new product to your inventory for the first time? You can create a Production Transfer, which allows you to enter the new product information directly to your inventory from a preset warehouse called 'Production'. This warehouse is non-inventory controlled and pulls numbers essentially from "thin air", so that you are not restricted by any set inventory.
Camelot/External Warehouse Transfers:
All external warehouses are non-inventory controlled. This means that if you transfer product to that warehouse in Ollie Order, it will not impact the actual inventory numbers in the external source (transfers will only change inventory numbers in your internal inventory controlled warehouses). You can track your Camelot transfers this way by entering them from your personal warehouse (or Production) to Camelot Vancouver/Victoria/Kelowna.
Need to make minor changes to inventory in your personal/controlled warehouse? Use the Adjustments Tab to fine-tune your inventory. Adjustments are useful if you want to track breakage, samples, or are reconciling warehouse inventory after an inventory count.
Reminder: Adjustments are not recommended as an alternative to transfers. Adjustments do not generate a receipt/pdf to save or print.
You can add or remove product when making an adjustment by using the + or - sign next to the product. For example, if you break two bottles and want to reflect this, you can enter -2 units on that product. Alternatively, if you found an extra case of product while doing a warehouse count, you can enter +1 case/+12 units.
Check out this helpful video for a recap!