Build or Import a Recipe
In order to schedule and brew a beer, you’ll need to import or create your recipes within Ollie Ops. There are 2 ways to input your recipes, first is by creating a recipe within Ollie Ops manually, and the second is by importing a BeerXML file from a compatible site such as BeerSmith.
First, we will review how to import a recipe from a BeerXML file into Ollie Ops.
Importing a Recipe to Ollie Ops
Linked here are instructions on how to export a BeerXML file from BeerSmith
- Navigate to the recipes page by clicking on "Recipes" on the navigation bar.
- Click on the Import button at the top of the page
- Click on “Choose File” and select the BeerXML file containing your recipe
- Click Import to import your recipe
- You’ll be taken to the recipe screen while the import is processed
WATCH OUT, before you upload!!
Prior to importing your recipes, please note that your ingredients will be imported exactly as they appear in the file. Ensuring that the naming nomenclature that you use for your hop bill, grain bill, miscellaneous items, or any ingredients you use in recipes, is the same exact naming nomenclature as you have them listed in your raw material inventory. It's important that those match on the importer sheets before you upload them into the system. If not, this can cause duplicate items in the system and cause a lot of cleanups afterward.
Building a Recipe within Ollie
- Navigate to the recipes page by clicking on "Recipes" on the navigation bar.
- Click on the "New" button at the top of the page.
- This will bring up a window that will allow you to name your recipe.
- Name (required)
- Description (optional)
- Click "Save" to create the Recipe
Recipe Specs Tab
This is where you enter your basic recipe information. Most of the information on this screen is informational only.
Recipe Numbers:
- Target Original Gravity (optional)
- Target Terminal Gravity (optional)
- Target IBUs (optional)
- Target Color (optional)
- Pre-Boil Kettle Volume (required): This will be used when calculating gravity, color, and IBUs. Without a volume, the calculations will show 0.
- Boil Time(optional)
Batch Duration:
- Fermentation Length (required): This will be used when scheduling a recipe to be brewed on the calendar. This is the initial number of days that will be allocated to the calendar. That can be adjusted on the calendar later, but it's a good starting point for estimating resources on your schedule.
- Dry Hop Length (optional)
- Cold Crash Length (optional)
- Lagering Length (optional)
- Brewhouse (required)
Grains Tab
This is where you add grains to your recipe.
To add a new grain:
- Click the "New" button near the bottom
- Fill out the form
- Grain Type (required)
- If the grain is in the list simply select it
- If the grain is not on the list add the grain using the Ingredient Management area first
- Amount (required)
- Extract fine grind (required; sites such as BSG or CMG can provide this information if you don’t have it easily available)
- Color (required; sites such as BSG or CMG can provide this information if you don’t have it easily available)
- Grain Type (required)
- Click "Save"
- Notes Box: This will prepopulate a note on your brew log under the Grains Tab. Everything you enter in this box will be automatically saved after typing so there is no need to click a "Save" button.
To update a grain:
- On the grain you want to update open the action menu and click "Edit"
- Fill out the form according to the definitions above
- Click "Save"
To delete a grain:
- On the grain you want to remove open the action menu and click "Delete"
- Confirm your action
All calculations change on the fly to show you how close you are to the desired color and original gravity. As you add, delete, or adjust grains you can see the changes.
Mash Tab
This is where you design the mash rest specifications for your recipe.
To add a new rest:
- Click the "New" button near the bottom
- Fill out the form
- Name (optional)
- Duration (required)
- Temperature (required)
- Click "Save"
- Notes Box: This will prepopulate a note on your brew log under the Mash Tab. Everything you enter in this box will be automatically saved after typing so there is no need to click a "Save" button
To update a rest:
- On the rest you want to update open the action menu and click "Edit"
- Fill out the form according to the definitions above
- Click "Save"
Hops Tab
This is where you add hops to your recipe.
To add a new hop:
- Click the "New" button near the bottom
- Fill out the form
- Hop Type (required)
- If the hop is in the list simply select it
- If the hop is not on the list add the hop using the Ingredient Management area first
- Amount (required)
- Alpha acids (required)
- Usage (required)
- Add At (required)
- Hop Type (required)
- Click "Save"
- Notes Box: This will prepopulate a note on your brew log under the Boil Tab. Everything you enter in this box will be automatically saved after typing so there is no need to click a "Save" button
Heads up!! Any hop extracts that may be utilized in a different volume other than pounds or ounces need to be added to your Miscellaneous items section and not in the hops section.
To update a hop:
- On the hop you want to update open the action menu and click "Edit"
- Fill out the form according to the definitions above
- Click "Save"
To delete a hop:
- On the hop you want to remove open the action menu and click "Delete"
- Confirm your action
All calculations change on the fly to show you how close you are to the desired IBUs As you add, delete, or adjust hops you can see the changes.
Miscellaneous Tab
This is where you add miscellaneous ingredients to your recipe.
To add a new miscellaneous ingredient:
- Click the "New" button near the bottom
- Fill out the form
- Miscellaneous (required)
- If the miscellaneous ingredient is in the list simply select it
- If the miscellaneous ingredient is not on the list add the miscellaneous ingredient using the Ingredient Management area first
- Amount (required)
- Alpha acids (required)
- Unit of measure (required)
- Added At (required)
- Added at unit (required)
- Usage (required)
- Miscellaneous (required)
- Click "Save"
To update a miscellaneous ingredient:
- On the miscellaneous ingredient you want to update open the action menu and click "Edit"
- Fill out the form according to the definitions above
- Click "Save"
To delete a miscellaneous ingredient:
- On the miscellaneous ingredient you want to remove open the action menu and click "Delete"
- Confirm your action
Yeast Tab
This is where you add yeasts to your recipe. Yeasts in this area are purely for information purposes and don't affect inventory on brew day like other ingredients.
To add a new yeast:
- Click the "New" button near the bottom
- Fill out the form
- Yeast Type (required)
- If the yeast is in the list simply select it
- If the yeast is not on the list add the yeast using the Ingredient Management area first
- Target Pitch Rate Minimum (optional)
- Target Pitch Rate Maximum (optional)
- Yeast Type (required)
- Click "Save"
To update a yeast:
- On the yeast you want to update open the action menu and click "Edit"
- Fill out the form according to the definitions above
- Click "Save"
To delete a yeast:
- On the yeast you want to remove open the action menu and click "Delete"
- Confirm your action
Congratulations, you should now have a recipe that you can use to schedule on your calendar.
Viewing Cost Breakdowns
The system will attempt to project the cost of a recipe based on your current inventory. If inventory exists for each ingredient in your recipe, Ollie will be able to project a cost for you. If an ingredient has never been in inventory then Ollie won't be able to project your cost because there is no previous or current pricing to go off of.
How to Edit, Clone, or Delete a Recipe
Click the three dots on the right hand side of the corresponding line.
Tip: Cloning a recipe allows you to duplicate another version of a selected recipe. You can then update the name and any properties without having to add/redo every attribute from scratch of the original recipe.