Making Volume Adjustments on a Tank
Sometimes it may be necessary to make adjustments to a particular batch volume due to spoilage, loss, or sales. To do this, you first need to navigate to the dashboard and find the tank you want to record a volume adjustment for.
- Click on the name of the tank and choose "Update Volume"
- Fill in your Transaction Date and the new Volume in the tank.
- Optionally, add any notes you want to attach to this transaction.
- Removal of Beer will need to be tracked as the following:
- Normal: Tracked as beer removed for consumption on TTB
- Loss: Tracked as loss for tax purposes (for unintended wastage)
- Destroyed On-Premises: Beer that is intentionally destroyed from any of the above listed processes before it is sold.
- Click on "Save" to complete the transaction and update the volume remaining in the tank.
Integrated with Quickbooks Online? Here is how adjusting tank volumes will affect your accounting:
Marking adjusted volume as Normal: This will credit your mapped WIP account and debit your mapped Cost of Goods Sold account.
Marking adjusted volume as Loss: No change occurs in Quickbooks. The cost per BBL is increased but your WIP asset will stay the same.
Marking as Destroyed on Premises: Credit: This will credit your mapped WIP account and debit your mapped Inventory Adjustment account.
Marking adjusted volume as Dump Remaining: This will credit your mapped WIP account and debit your mapped Inventory Adjustment account.
Making Volume Updates on Brew Day
You may find yourself needing to update the volume your batch showed on Brew Day, either via your Pre-Boil or Final Volume (volume that goes to the fermenter after knockout). Below is where you'll find those:
1. Click on the brew log you need to make the volume update
2. Toggle to the Boil tab on your Brew Log and adjust your Final Volume. This will then update the volume that reflected what made it from the brewhouse to fermenter