Creating a Purchase Order
Selecting a Vendor and important dates
- Navigate to the purchase orders page by clicking the “Orders” tab on the left-hand side navigation bar.
- Click on the "New" button towards the right-hand corner of the screen. This will bring you to the new order screen.
- Select the vendor that you would like to create a purchase order for. *If there are no vendors in the drop-down or you don’t see the vendor you are looking for, you’ll need to add the vendor info in the vendor section of Ollie Ops.
- To view how to add vendors into Ollie Ops click HERE.
- If you are integrated with Quickbooks Online, your vendors will sync over from Quickbooks to Ollie Ops when you connect the integration. To refresh your vendor list sync from QBO, select the “Sync with Quickbooks” button on the vendor screen in Ollie.
- Options to add in a Draft or Open Status:
- Invoice Number
- Expected receipt date
- Next, you’ll add the items you’d like to add to your Order.
Adding line items
- Click on the "+ Add new item" button. You’ll then create a new line item to add the following information for: Item, Amount Per Unit, UOM, Purchase UOM, Qty, Unit Price, and Amount.
- Item: Your raw and/or packaging materials in your database will be listed in the drop-down here. You will select the item name you are looking to order.
- Amount Per Unit: This is the amount/weight/volume of the item within the unit of measure.
- UOM: The unit used to measure the amount per unit (Can be selected as Gallons, pounds, kilos, grams, ounces, fluid-ounces, gallons, bbls, milliliters, liters, hectoliters and items)
- Purchase UOM: How you purchase the amount per unit and unit of measure; ie. pallet, bottle or bag.
- Qty: The quantity of the purchase UOM you’d like to order/purchase
- Unit Price: How much each unit of measure costs.
- Amount: The unit price multiplied by the qty to create a total for each item being ordered.
- Select the item you would like to purchase by clicking on the "Item" input. Start typing to filter the list and when you see the raw or packaging material that you would like to add click on it to select it.
- If you’ve added your preferred ordering method to your items via the ingredient setup screen or the packaging material set up screen then your preferred ordering method information will populate Amount Per Unit, UOM and Purchase UOM.
- Next, you’ll enter the quantity of the purchase UOM you’d like to order and the price of the item or you can add the price when the invoice is in an open state.
- When you are done adding line items click "Save Order" to save your invoice and information.
How to send a PDF of a PO to your vendor via email or download a PDF of a PO
Now that you’ve created/saved an Order in draft status, and confirmed the order has all the items you’d like to include, you may be ready to send the PO to your vendor.
Start by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the desired order and select “Send via Email” This will create a popup where any saved email address on a vendor will pre populate or you can enter any email(s) you’d like to send the PO to, once the email has been entered, click “send”. An email will then be queued up to be sent to the provided email address with an attached PDF of the PO.
To download the PO as a PDF to your computer/phone click the 3 dots to the right of the order you’d like to download and select “Download PDF”
Adding Additional costs (such as tax, freight, etc)
It is often the case that you will need to pay for things like tax, freight, etc when you purchase your raw or packaging materials. In order to properly distribute those costs over the items on your purchase order, and accurately reflect your cost of goods sold, you’ll want to add them as additional costs.
You can only add Additional Costs to an order when it’s in an “Open Status.” In order to change the status of an order from “Draft” to “Open”, you’ll need to select the 3 dots to the right of the order and mark the PO as Ordered.
- Once the order is in an “Open” status, select the 3 dots to the right of order and select “Edit” to reopen the order.
- Under the items you’ve added to the order select the “Add additional cost” button.
- A blank line item will appear and you’ll need to add the following information: Type (name), Cost, Cost Distribution (select all, some or 1 item to apply the cost to), and Allocation Method (Fixed, Weight, or Volume).
- Determine the type of allocation you would like to apply to this cost. When using the weight or volume allocation types, the items that are selected for cost distribution must have matching units. I.E. you cannot apply a weight allocation to items that have weight and volume units.
- Fixed: This will distribute this cost evenly across all selected items on the purchase order.
- Weight: This will distribute this cost across the selected items based on the weight of the items.
- Volume: This will distribute this cost across the selected items based on the volume of the items.
- Price: This will distribute this cost across the selected items based on the subtotal price of each of the items.
- Click "Save Order" when you are done adding other costs.
Editing Purchase Orders
Select the 3 dots to the right of the order you’d like to edit and select “ Edit”.
Receiving Inventory
When the inventory has been received on-site you’ll want to easily receive the inventory into your Ollie system.
- Locate the purchase order that you would like to receive, select the 3 dots to the right of the order, and click the "Receive" button.
- You will be presented with a pop-up where you’ll update the date the items were received on-site. After you select a date, select the “Receive” button.
- Next, you’ll be taken to a 2nd pop-up letting you know your inventory has been received and asking if you’d like to update your lot codes. This is optional but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to select “Update Now” and to update your lot codes to the lot provided by the vendor or the date received.
4. Enter the new/updated Lot Code in the box to the right (circled below) then click the “Update lot codes” buttons to update the lot and receive the items into inventory.
- Your inventory will now be available for use and visible on the "Raw Materials" or “Packaging Materials” page.
Other Options Available with Orders
There are a few other options available with your Purchase Orders when you select the 3 dots to the right of the PO such as Reorder, Delete PO, and Unreceive PO.
Reorder PO: You are able to “Reorder” any PO in the system regardless of the status to duplicate the items and amounts on the PO with the same vendor. Simply select “Reorder” and you’ll be taken to the PO creation screen with a draft PO containing the same items for the same vendor.
Delete PO: You are able to delete a PO if it hasn’t been received into inventory yet. I.E. the PO is in a draft or open status.
Unreceive PO: If the items on your received PO haven’t been absorbed/utilized by a batch of beer or finished goods, then you are able to un-receive the PO to remove the items from inventory. If the items on the PO have already been utilized/absorbed on a batch or finished goods, you’ll need to make a manual adjustment to your inventory. *Please note this will result in the moving of assets inside of Quickbooks*
Integrated with Quickbooks Online?
Purchase Orders created inside of Ollie Ops will sync with your accounting if you are integrated to Quickbooks Online. In order for your purchase orders to sync properly you will need to mark every order as open and then received. Marking an order as received will create a bill in Quickbooks for your PO and the cost of the inventory items will be added as an asset to your corresponding mapped GL account.
Quickbooks Online Plus Users: When a PO is marked as ordered and put into an “Open” status, the PO is at that point created within your Quickbooks account to the synced vendor. Once the order is “Received” in Ollie Ops, the PO in your Quickbooks will be turned into a bill.
Quickbooks Online Essential Users: When a PO is marked as ordered and put into an “Open” status, this will not create a PO in Quickbooks but it is the suggested order of operations. Once the order is “Received” in Ollie Ops, the PO will be sent as a bill to the synced vendor within your Quickbooks account.
Raw Material Forecast Report
- Click on “Reports” on the left side navigation bar.
- Next you’ll set the “End Date” you’ll want to view on the report. The end date is the day you’d like the forecast to stop.
- You can then filter the report to show “All” batches on the calendar or just “Scheduled” batches, you can also select to filter the report to show All raw materials on the forecast, what materials will go Below your set threshold, or what materials will go into Negative/unassigned inventory if not ordered.
- Once your desired filters are set you can “Export” the report to download a CSV file of the generated materials and amounts. (We recommend exporting the report before clicking “Generate Purchase Orders” so you can view how much each item you’ll need to order quickly).
- Click the “Generate Purchase Orders” button to be brought to your order-generating screen.
- Next to the item generated by the report you’ll want to ensure you enter the following information: Vendor, Item, Amount, UOM, Purchase UOM and Qty.
- If you’ve added your preferred ordering method to your items via your ingredient database then your preferred ordering method information will populate Amount Per Unit, UOM and Purchase UOM.
- When your vendor, raw material item and qty are entered correctly, click the “Generate” button towards the bottom of the screen to create your Purchase Orders. You will then see each PO created as a draft separated by the vendor. Ta-Da! From that point, you can go through your standard PO process.