Inside of Ollie Ops you’re able to customize and add the fields you use to log notes and information on your Fermentation log, Barrel Log, and Yeast Pitch.
To Add a Custom Field:
- Click on your Account Menu icon on the top right hand corner of Ollie
- Click on "Brewery settings"
- Navigate to the "Custom Fields" tab
- Click on "New"
- Select the entity (location) you would like to see the custom field added to:
- Fermentation Log
- Barrel Log
- Yeast Pitch
- Choose a field type:
- Short text: Used for shorter-length text. i.e. a name or short descriptions
- Long text: Used for longer-length text. i.e. notes or long description
- Number: Used for numeric values. i.e. temperature, weight, pH
- Enter a label for the custom field that will be used as a display name for the field.
- Click "Create custom field"
Disable or Edit Custom Fields:
The system doesn't allow you to remove custom fields, but it deactivates them instead. Deactivating a custom field will remove the field from use in new records. Any existing records with these fields will still have the custom field data stored.
- Click on "Brewery settings"
- Navigate to the "Custom Fields" tab
- Click on the 3 dots to the right of the field you want to edit or disable
- Select “Delete” or "Edit" depending on desired action