If you are looking to connect an Ops account to an Order account, or an additional Ops account to your Order account, please reach out to our support team to have this set up.
Once your Ollie Ops and Ollie Order accounts are integrated, you’ll be able to transfer Finished Goods Inventory from all your Ollie Ops accounts over to your Ollie Order warehouses, to manage the sales.
Once your Ops account(s) are connected to your Ollie Order account, you are now ready to map your products for each Ops warehouse. To do this, follow the steps listed below
Step 1: In Ollie Order, go to Settings and click Warehouses
Step 2: Click the Ops warehouse you wish to edit and/or map products
Step 3: If you wish to edit your warehouse information, click the edit buttons and make any necessary updates
Step 4: To make your variants, click the Variant Mapping Tab, and select the necessary product type from your Ollie Ops products to match with the associated Ollie Order product. All the products in Ollie Order will be listed under the Name column. Under the Ollie Ops Product column go through each product and from the drop-down box select the product that corresponds with the product as you have it listed in Ollie Ops. This action will automatically save and enables both sides of the system to know which product in the other system you are referring to when transferring Finished Goods Inventory from Ollie Ops into available inventory in Ollie Order.
*NOTE: If you are running multiple Ollie Ops accounts to one Ollie Order account, you will need to map your Product Variants under EACH Ops warehouse