How to Set-Up Your Price List
- Under Products on the left hand side, click Price Lists
Click the three dots beside the first price list to edit the name (example “Distributor Price List”
- Under this list add in all the prices for each of your products
- Click + New Price List to add as many additional price lists as you need and add prices accordingly.
NOTE: the price list that is underlined in orange will be the default price list when you place an order for a new customer. You can always change the price list in the order OR you can change the default price list for your customer by Clicking Customers > Customer > Search and select customer > Details > Click the pencil to edit the default price list.
How to Edit Price Lists
You can edit prices in three places:
Product > Price Lists
On this page you can edit prices for all your products in one place!
Product > select product > Variants Tab
If you want to edit a price as a one-off (rather than have that price set as the default for a particular type), when you are in the order you can now change the price right on the line item. The change will be reflected in the total price of the invoice for that particular invoice only. NOTE: You cannot change the price once this has been placed into Shipped status.
Note: If there is a $0.00 value associated with a product in the price list you are using, the order will not allow you to proceed - every product must have a price more than $0.00 associated with it.
How to set a Price List as a Default for a Customer
By default, Price Lists on orders are determined by your customer's license type.
To override a customer's default Price List, add the customer to a Customer Group & set the override price list. Every customer within a group will have have the same price list default setting when placing an order.
Under Customers on the left hand side, select Groups:
Select the group you would like to add a customer to and scroll down to the Customers heading. Search for your customer in the "Add a customer to this Group" bar. You can add as many customers to a group as you would like. You can also add customers to multiple groups.
The default price list for the group can be changed as well, under Basic Info.
Select the appropriate price list from the drop-down Price List bar and click Save.