Ollie Order's Brand Feature is an upgraded subscription offering that allows multiple brands with unique license numbers to be managed under one Ollie Order account!
How Does the Brands Feature Work?
When products are entered into the system, they can now be further identified by the Brand they are part of. When creating an order, you will be asked which brand you are creating an order for and then only products that belong to that brand will be available to add to the order allowing suppliers to manage orders on a brand by brand basis with unique prefix and reference numbers for each brand and the ability to pull reports based on the brand.
Some key considerations:
When placing an order, you cannot change the brand once it's been set (you are only able to add products to the order from within the brand, ie an order cannot include products from multiple brands)
Reference numbers will be unique within the brand scope (not within the account as a whole, so each brand will have unique prefix and starting invoice number which will increment sequentially)
If migrating multiple accounts into one with multiple brands, the migration will update each brand so that the reference numbers and prefix' will continue sequentially
How to Set Brands Up
The Brands feature is a subscription upgrade - contact support@ollieorder.com, if you would like to explore this option. Once it is enabled within your account you will be able to add as many brands as you would like and each time you add a product, you will be prompted to select which brand the product falls under as part of the set-up:
How to Place an Order with Brands
From the main Order Index, select + NEW ORDER (or type "O" on your keyboard):
A brand drop-down box will appear. Select which brand you would like to place the order for (note, if the account only has one brand available, it will skip this question and just default to that brand):
3. Select your customer from the drop-down list (note, selecting + ADD a new counter customer, will create an order for a Counter Buyer, adding PST. If you are placing an order for a licensee, you should find them in the drop-down list and if not, contact support@ollieorder.com so we can add them to the system for you.
4. Place the order and ship! For more details on placing an order, please click here.
Brands FAQ
Can I add products from multiple brands to the same order?
No, only products from the same brand can be added to an order.
Can I have a unique payment gateway set-up for each brand?
Yes! Under Settings > Payments & Financials > Add New Gateway you set the Payment Gateway for each brand. If you only have one brand, the option with default to your current brand, if you have more than one brand you will need to add the Payment Gateway information for each one. To do so:
Select the brand from the drop-down option
Adding the gateway information
Select save
Repeat steps for each brand
How does data get reflected in the LDB Batch Report?
When pulling an LDB Batch Report, you are presented the option to select the brand before exporting the report - which will help make reporting for multiple brands a breeze!
Can Brands be accessed by multiple accounts?
Currently the brands feature lives within the account settings (so only users within the account the brand is set-up within can access the brand), but in the future brands will be able to be accessed by multiple account.
Can all the brands use the same starting prefix and sequential reference numbers?
No, each brand will require a unique prefix and sequential reference numbers
Do users without multiple brands under multiple accounts need to action anything to set-up multiple brands under one account or will the current information just reformat correctly within the new format?
With an upgraded subscription, no action will be required to set-up the account with brands, Ollie's team will run a migration that will move settings from the seller, to the brand for you!
Can users add additional brands at any time and where is this done?
Yes! With an upgraded subscription you can add additional brands at anytime under Settings->Brands, at the top right of the page, there is a "New Brand" button.
Do users always have to select a brand when placing an order?
Only if you have more than one brand. If you have one brand, the order will default to that single brand each time a new order is created.
Besides the LDB Batch Report, how do Brands impact reporting?
On every report, uses have the option to filter by brand (whereas on the LDB report specifically, users will be prompted to choose the brand they want to report on from the start).
How can I tell who the authoring organization is for an order?
The author of the order is identified under the details section of the order. It will list who created the order and what organization they are from.